Elegant Rose

Monday, 22 October 2012

Making Room For magic and mystery *********

The fields are harvested and bare,
And winter whistles through the square.
October dresses in flame and gold
Like a woman afraid of growing old.
~ Anne Mary Lawler.

There has been the most wonderful bright crisp days this last week and a lovely -wood burning smoky smell filling the air, the smell of autumn.
I's been lovely to be out and about and see nature show her glorious golds and reds on the remaining leaves on the trees.
The perfect lead up to one of my favourite times of the year...
I have always looked forward to 'all Hallow's Eve', with anticipation and excitement from being small to having my own little 'witches and goblins'.
Some of you for sure will be accompanying your little ones door to door knocking and' trick or treating' during the earlier part of the dark of the night next week.

Picture courtesy of Google.

Others staying safely in doors, lighting candles, baking apples and toasting toes by the fire. Although my children are all 'grown and almost flown'.
We still celebrate with Pumpkins and Jack-o-Lanterns on the steps leading to our home.
Tea will be jacket spuds and sausages with sticky sauce wrapped in 'wraps' and enjoyed by our open fire.

I believe Halloween is the perfect time to conjure up a little magic and mystery.
It's a reminder of the last autumn days before the cold and starkness of winter.

Halloween comes down to us from the pre- Christian Celtic festival of Samhaim held on 31st October.
Magic spells at this time can be cast more easily and dreams hold more significance.

I have many cats although I have never been lucky enough to have a black cat come live with me!
I do wonder why?

Only Salem (of course)

This made me smile this week; Willow watching a little nature watch!
she actually settles down to watch TV most evenings.
She is such a clever kitty cat.

Image courtesy of the lovely Nostalgic home mag.

As the witching hour draws closer I do hope you keep the magic alive, as I do believe there is magic in everything, if we only but take time to notice...

I wanted to thank you for all the lovely comments and say "they really do make my day".
Am hoping there is lots of magic in your week leading to Halloween.
Love Maria x


  1. Just love your TV stand ... what a splendid idea!

    Vicky x

  2. I love this time of year too! I agree with Vicky above, fab telly stand!
    Victoria xx

  3. Maria, You have said it all!
    How right you are.
    I too love your tv stand.
    We made a garden table from ours.
    Blest wishes to you and lots of magical moments, I can feel them in the air?
    Daisy j

  4. Lovely post Maria,I love Halloween too and have been adding decorations this last week in anticipation :) We ve had a party here every year since the children were small. Love the picture of Willow watching tv :) happy week ahead,love julieXxx

  5. Your choice of music makes this post Maria.
    calling us all to be ready for the bewitching hour!
    Your cat watching tv is so cute.
    Halloween is not celebrated here in Portugal.. Its all souls 31st october and all saints 1st november.
    In our local village there is a big fair.
    super post Maria.. thank you
    xxx val

  6. I read this post on my lap top, the music is great! Willow, watching TV, priceless! Ada :)

  7. Hello Maria
    I love Halloween/Samhaim too, this time of year with the lovely autumn colours pumpkins,candles and a hot punch in front of the fire.. perfect, The glimpses of you lovely home look so warm and cozy.
    I still decorate the house for Halloween even though its just Fin and I
    Your little cat is really enjoying the tv. they are so funny, I must tell you about my cats one day, I have two and one is black...
    Have a bewitching week
    Thea x (thank you for your kind words they mean so much)

  8. Me encánta la música de tu blog la conocia de los cuentos de Beatrix Potter. Tu gato es increible tán atento a la televisión, me gusta el estor de tu ventana. Muchos saludos de Sara.

  9. Hello Maria,
    Your posts are always so lovely and poetic. I'm hoping to make a Halloween wreath this week. I agree I love going out at this time of year when the air is crisp. We've had a few foggy mornings which make the spiders webs look amazing. I love the photo of Willow watching the TV. I wonder what she was thinking. Have a lovely week.
    Ali x

    1. I am afraid to say she was watching birds fly and she has been known to put her paws up to get closer to the screen!
      She is partial to any program really though! Even the one show, if she is in the mood.. hehe!

  10. I love Halloween it brings out the witch in me,I must get my little decorations out tomorrow and get ready for it.Love your post,have a brill week my friend.xx

  11. Great post. I agree Halloween is a magical time. Must get a pumpkin soon!

  12. Hello Maria, sorry I missed this post yesterday! Such a lot going on, hopefully will all settle down soon ... lovely, atmospheric post xxx

  13. Good morning sweet Maria! This is a wonderful time of year to sit back, observe and then create, isn't it? Our weather is mild enough to allow for outdoor activities, but in the most glorious of colorful days. So good to see you and thank you for your visit and most kind words! ENJOY CREATING! Anita

  14. Oh Maria I love Halloween too! its so Autumnal! Alas my Daughters are too old for trick or treating now but we still get a pumpkin and light lots of candles,watch something scary and have lovely bites to eat! And I always try a little bit of magic by making wishes xx

  15. We used to celebrate Halloween when the children were still at home, although we do buy a pumpkin. Your cat is very clever, our dog is the only animal in the house who will watch the television! Hope you have a good week and enjoy the celebrations.
    Sarah x

  16. Such a lovely, interesting post!

  17. Such wonderful decorations !! I love your kitty cat ; )
    The things you have for tea sound so delicious !!!
    Have a wonderful day.

  18. I still can't get used to Halloween & Trick or Treat - we didn't celebrate these in Kent where I grew up!
    I discovered them when I was transplanted up North & hope my Yorkshire boys found my efforts at witchy celebrations good enough!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ooops! I did delete my comment only because I noticed a silly error (I'm picky!) - but the notation here makes it sound like I said something offensive - not the case!

      Anyway ... I do love your little black cat watching TV. Your post has invoked a real feeling of magic and windy autumn nights and crunchy leaves underfoot. I look forward to carving a pumpkin or two for our front step. My son and I plan something unusual and fun, and our little guests usually enjoy the results. Wendy

  20. Hiya ! Yeah I love Halloween too ...something very exciting about it ! Willow is so cute watching TV ! This year seems to have flown by so quickly, doesn't seem a minute since last Halloween. Hope your wishes come true this week ...Gail x

  21. I love Halloween! I grew up in Canada and it is really big over there. I just loved dressing up and going trick o treating.
    We only get a small number of kids here that go out trick o treating..but we always carve some pumpkins etc :)
    Willow is so sweet, what a smart lil kitty watching the tele :)
    Have a great weekend and a spookly fun Halloween x

  22. Happy Halloween - this is a lovely festive post - my family always decorated at Halloween and we have continued the tradition - it's so fun - trick or treaters welcome here!

  23. Hello Maria - i am away from my computer at the moment so wasn't sure if you got my message ....am very happy to sell you a scottie dog lavender bag if you would like one....hope you are wrapped up warm crafting by a roaring fire right now! Best wishes vanilla s. x

  24. Lovely images indeed - I have been getting back into the art of lighting a fire for this season - bloomin' cold in the evenings. I don't mind how crisp it gets but not a fan of that being coupled with rain...especially drizzle...the thought of it makes me chilly around the edges!
    Best wishes
