Elegant Rose

Friday, 31 October 2014

Hocus pocus !

~ When witches go riding
 and black cats are seen,
 the moon smiles and whispers..
" Time for Halloween "..

Hocus Pocus !!
Halloween once again..
Dust off your brooms sticks and 
have fun with your day.

It's been a busy old time..
But I just wanted to wish every one
a Happy old Hallows Eve..

~ Apparently it's the mildest Halloween
on record !
Happy witching hour one and all ..

You will be seeing
 a little more of me in 
November !
Hugs Maria x


  1. Oh! Look Willie! A new Blog.....Goodness!
    Have'nt seen this one before...Very nice to!
    Is it worth following....mmmmmM! HeHe! :).

    AND...A Happy Halloween to you and yours
    Maria....Especially..The Furry ones! Bless!x

    That's great news...So! Once you've cleaned
    and polished and put away your broom stick!
    We'll hear from you again....Great! I'll cancel
    the hit~squad then! :).

    1. Aww, missing you to , Willie ..... :)
      Yep after the witching hour I will be around a bit more often ! Are you doing any thing for today , i wonder ?

    2. Well...I've turned ALL the mirrors to wall...!
      Just in case...! :).

      I'm actually home to~night...For the third year
      running...The kids, around here seem to expect
      me to be home..Got! Lot's of sweets, chocolate,
      (Hope their teeth rot)..HeHe!
      So! We have a bit of fun and a laugh on the doorstep!
      One lot at about 6 o'clock...And, Another about 8.
      It's the lot at 8 that can be a bit vicious...But! I'm geared
      up for them...!
      Keep your eye on the front page of the Sun tomorrow.....! :>).

  2. Ha ha - Willie ♥

    So wonderful to see you in blogland once again, lovely Maria :)

    Gorgeous images, as always. i look forward to seeing more posts in November.

    Happy Halloween to you x ♥ x

  3. Looking forward to hearing from you in November. Have a lovely balmy evening.


  4. Adorable photos! Happy Halloween!

  5. I have missed you here in this cozy nook with your chats in blogland .Welcome back ~ I look forward to your posts ♡♡♡

  6. Hope you had a lovely Halloween Maria! Have a lovely evening!

    Madelief x

  7. Hello ! It's another beautiful autumn day again....we have had such a nice Indian summer this year it seems hard to think it's November ! hope you had a good halloween !
    Gail x

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