Elegant Rose

Saturday, 4 May 2013

~ And Just Because....

~" The month of May casts her magic spell as spring's promise is finally fulfilled"....

~ May...
Let all thy joys be as the month of May...
~And just because this week has been one of cleaning, puttering and sweeping my rooms with a smile...
I am soo good at this.....
~ And finding a little past treasure too.....

~ Don't be alarmed by Cindy here..
although sitting here in the  'all- together um '....
A little disrespectful for a vintage gal, I know....
But I think you can see quite clearly she is a little bit special...
she belongs to my sister and I....
~ and I can only imagine we must have had a wash day....with her clothes...
And the rest is history!
Cindy, must be over fifty years old......
~ and I am thinking, I simply must make her some clothes!

~ I even found an old photograph of big sister cuddling dear, Cindy!
(Wearing her best clothes, before our wash day blues, I may add)
I have 'basket envy'....
~ And just because...once you start looking for past magic memories, within your self...
~ you very often find them.....

 ~ You might just be lucky enough to find treasure, in your own back yard, so to speak...
Mum and my grandmother....(1933)
I love old past photographs, so much....

~ My grandparents and Mum, holding her cute dolly!

~ And just because of the kindness of friends...
( A beautiful daffy plant from Mrs Thriftwood)
.........that made me smile.....
~ Such a cheery pot!

~ Or even that the sun shined so wonderfully this week...
I even took my house plants out side with me, to enjoy the warmth.....
(crazy but true)

~ And was joined by others....
Smokey, here.... joined me for play times in the sunshine....
 ~ there was my first sighting of a beautiful king George, butterfly, which landed on me...
~ and a naughty, cheeky, seagull pooped on me....
hehe.....now that must be lucky!

~ And just because..... I found a delightful new book....
'Trugs, Dibbers, Trowels and Twine'...By Isobel Carlson...
~ all about the lores of our gardens....

~ Which made me smile...
The Talmud tells us that "Each blade of grass has it's very own Angel that bends over it and whispers low," Grow, Grow, and grow some more"....
~ And so do we....

~ Summer in a vase.... beautiful Stocks!
They cheer up any room....
~This month we rediscover that it is life's enrichments rather than the riches of life that bring us true contentment.... 
~ And just because May is here.....my favourite month!
Thank you for kind words for baby lamb, Larry....
He did know kindness in his short days...
~Take time to dream, lovely friends....
Love Maria x


  1. Dear Maria, your posts always cheer me and make me smile, not least for the lovely music that plays as I read. I love old family photos and have many that I cherish. I love to go through them with my parents bless them, and recently have taken to writing lightly on the back in pencil who is who where I would struggle to remember. At last spring and its beauty is here. A bittersweet time for me but I try to be ever the optimist.love and thank youXX

  2. Goodness! I'm in my element to-day....
    Pussy-Tats, ALL over the place...HeHe!

    Must say, l do love little 'Soul Sister'
    Cindy! Cloths on or not! :).
    She should meet my little Jolly Golly.
    First thing l ever remember having as toy.
    So, let's just say he is eligible for a pension!
    Strange....He's never had a name, and, l never
    gave him one. Cut his afro once...When l was a
    toddler...HaHa! Never grew back...!

    Well! The suns been out the last week....!
    And, every morning l've been out on the patio,
    around 7:30, having breaky. Well, not 'on' the patio,
    on a plate, on the table, on the patio...! :).
    With my two friends, Flossy and Sparkle.
    Sparkle is a little shy, but Flossy, she is always,
    'in yer face'. Bless!
    She started sitting next to my fried breakfast, sniffing
    at the duck eggs...So l pushed a little of the yoke, towards
    her. Little sniff, little lick....She ate ALL the yoke, left
    me with the white. So! Yesterday, rather than a fry up, l just
    had a goose egg, fried with a little cheddar sprinkled over it.
    HaHa! Laugh, you should have seen her, looking at me, looking at
    the egg, looking at me..."No Yoke". :>).
    She had a sniff, little lick, then look at me, and said..."Can
    you break the yoke for me...". So l did....!!!!!
    Remember...Dogs have owners....Cats have staff...!!!!
    So! There we were....Flossy enjoying the yoke, and, 'ME' trying
    to get round it with a bit of toast.....Lovely....Bless! :).

    Hope you ALL have a great weekend....I'm gonna be busy....Feeding
    of the 5,000 tomorrow...Surprising what you can do with a few loaves
    and fishes....HeHe!
    Watch out for the seagulls Maria....Think yourself lucky it was'nt
    an albatross....!
    You'd really be in the....Oh! oooops! ByeBye! Ciao.....!

    1. Awwww I love that name, Willie...." Soul sister".....And the fact you had a golly...always wanted one of those too....Enjoy feeding those 5,000 pals of yours....Coldish here, typical bank holiday weather, my friend! haha...

  3. Maria Maria Maria.....I love your pretty and "...? ....." sometimes you make me feel at a loss for words with your special posts you are a very lovely lady indeed.....


  4. You've summed up my feelings perfectly - and what gorgeous photos x Jane

  5. Ahh Maria you are so sweet with your ways and words. I completely enjoyed seeing the photos of days gone by but not forgotten. The photos gave me such a feeling of lovely nostalgia about childhood. Such a beautiful post, so wonderful and warm hearted. Look at all the roses around your sister in your yesteryear yard and she looked so pretty in her outfit with the dolly. I always look forward to my visits here. May is indeed a wonerful month.
    xox Hugs Willow

  6. Dear Maria, First of all, I have to say how very sad I was to read about Little Larry. I was so hoping he would pull through. I was saddened by those words but so cheered by your beautiful May post. Thank you for sharing all the photos (I love old photos too). I also love the first photo of the little cat in the jug.
    Time to get out the sewing machine or knitting needles and make something nice for Cindy to wear. She must be feeling the cold at her advanced stage in life!
    I can almost smell those stocks from here. I adored this post, as I always do. Barbara x

  7. Hi, you really must make Cindy some clothes! I love that photo of you mum and grandma what a great thing to find! Hope you have a great weekend and manage to sit out in the sun!! :) x

  8. Hello Rosey Maria! I love your old pictures ... Please have lots ready for when I come a calling! Lovely post, poor Cindy must be feeling a bit of a nip, poor thing.

    The flowers are all beautiful, I love stocks too, and glad you liked the little daffy ... Yours looks in full bloom, mines on it's last legs I'm afraid!

    See you in a couple of weeks if not before

    Enjoy your BH weekend

    Love Claire xx

  9. Such a happy post Maria. I enjoyed seeing the black and white photographs of your family and the spring flowers. What a beautiful gift Claire gave you!

    Wishing you a happy weekend!

    Madelief x

  10. Precioso post, me gustan tus tesoros.
    Feliz semana!

  11. Darling Maria! teehee...I HAD A "CINDY" doll too! I loved that doll to the point of leaving her bald and naked! I still have one rubber BOY doll that I named "George" and I could not destroy him....all rubber and his little shorts are actually imprinted on his body! tehe

    Much love and celebration of life to you this day! Anita

  12. Love your old photos, how special that they've been looked after and can be handed on and admired. Cindy is a treasure, but will as you say need a new wardrobe :) xx

  13. Hello Maria
    Here I am sitting in the lounge and the boys are watching the football, so I thought I would look at my Blog ...Then I found my favourite friend had posted such a bright a cheerful post..

    I remember always asking if I could have a black doll, but I never did, she is very special, but you must make her some new clothes poor love, she is nearly 50!

    I have loved looking at you old photos, your Mum looks so like you.
    Your jug of flowers is so pretty,
    thank you for making me smile
    Thea x

  14. Catching up on some of your previous posts. It is a pleasure to be here in such a lovely place. ~ Diane

  15. A very pretty post Maria ;) Some wonderful photos of your relatives ... naked dolls seem to be a favourite in your family's past. And is that Cindy's washing flapping in the breeze amongst the rose bushes? So many roses in the backyards! Love that shot of your sister. I'm wondering how you "share" a doll. That never would've worked between my sisters and I. I still have a couple of my dolls from way back too ... "Velvet" and Barbie. But I have made lots of clothes for them. I still have some of the patterns my mom used to make their clothes too! I'm glad you're enjoying some beautiful weather now ... enjoy the rest of your weekend! Wendy :)

  16. I remember my mother bringing her houseplants outside on sunny days too. And also she would hang some in hanging baskets on the clothes line when the rain was soft. Me, well I have have a tendency to kill all house plants. Don't ever know how!!

  17. have a lovely weekend dear Maria xx

  18. I have a dolly like your Cindy but bald with baggy elastic joints (no, not like me!) May your May be a-may-zing. EE xx

  19. Maria what a beautiful post, I love the way you write and I loved all your family photos....your mom what a cutie....take care Heidi

  20. Gosh - you do look just like your Mum!
    As I get older I look AND sound just like mine, which isn't altogether good!

  21. Thank you so much, Maria, for visiting my blog via Heidi's Polka Dot Petticoat. I came and looked at yours - it's so feminine and pretty. Thank you, Diane

  22. looks like may is a good month for you! happy memories, Heather x

  23. what treasures....I adore old photos!!

  24. Maria you have discovered such treasures and beautiful memories too. How the you have some luck after the seagull left you a present!
    Sarah x

  25. Whoops nearly missed this post. So glad I scrolled down and didn't. I love the photos. I remember those dolls. All my dolls clothes were bespoke, I mean handmade hee hee. Wasn't it lovely to enjoy the sunshine I do hope it comes back to visit once again. The gardening book looks so pretty I think I might be tempted to check it out. Have a lovely sunny week.
    Ali x
