Elegant Rose

Sunday, 26 February 2012


I've kept a gratitude diary for 4 years...It keeps me appreciative and aware of what I truly am grateful for. Some days I don't have as much to write in as others-Days that are quiet and homely... So I show my gratitude for my lovely family and safe home.

Spring has sprung...On my walk to work each day I am lucky enough to see this view. I call them faraway trees, what tales could they tell?

What are you thankful for in your life? What do you notice around you? .......


  1. Beautiful photos! I love trees & am beginning to notices the buds emerging. I get a joyous feeling in Spring & this year it seems to have come earlier than ever... hurrah! x

  2. Yep I agree.....Spring has certainly sprung here in the north west too.....Sometimes I am glad I don,t drive as I would miss to much around me,especially at the moment...Every thing is coming back to life after a long slumber!!
