Elegant Rose

Tuesday, 10 June 2014


Tuesday is a special day for me..
It's the 'magical' day I generally get to my self.
A day to potter, putter and just be...
It's also the day I write my little words of wisdom
oh here.
And catch up with you all.
and that's special in it's very own little way......

Scary that we are six months into the year..
Don't you think ?
June like all the other months 
seems to be running away from me..

This last week.
I'm holding my hand up high...Ooh yes.
That I have been dipping in and out of Instagram..
In fact time has seen to pass me jolly well by..

We will blame this on
 Mr 'Rosey tinted Spectacles', himself.
Who bought me the new I phone to bring me into the 21st century..
( A pretty pink one I may add)
Yes, it's all his fault!
It is jolly lovely to find and greet quite a few blog
ladies already dwelling there..

Willow always watching me..
I cannot leave the room with out her shadow following me..
Kitties pull at your heart strings, don't they just..

For those who follow the moon cycles 
~ we have our full moon 
on Friday 13th..
I'm not superstitious in the slightest !!
(Fingers are crossed here)
It is of course 
The Full Strawberry Moon.
"June is typically when the strawberries ripen 
and are gathered.
The best time to seek forgiveness is under the 
Strawberry moon.
Sweetness seems to linger during this time"...
( The girl who chased the moon)

It's the biggest celebrations in our little place called home, tonight!
Big cheers and cheery grins all round..
Miss Olivia has her results..
and yes, they are just as wonderful as we all anticipated...
That 'wish box' really works!!!

Wishing you all a magical kind of week..
with a few twinkles 
Maria x

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Finding Me .....

June arrives..
Generous with her gifts.
Once again the days are sunny and warm.
The roses are in bloom and it's time to
feast on strawberries and cream.
Our smiles deepen, our laughter increases,
our hearts open.
This month we discover that it's life's 
enrichments rather than the riches of life 
that bring us true contentment..
( simple abundance)

Amongst the clutter of my days here at home...
I've found some me time.

Although May for me was a quiet month here on my blog..
I guess 'real life' kinda got in the way of things..
Days have been jolly busy in work
   and here at 
my little place, I call home..
My Mama had a very wise saying
I can hear her saying it now as I type.
" All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy, indeed "..
Remembering her wise words I took 
some time out to have some fun!
Garden Festive...
a beautiful day filled with laughter and Mr sunshine..
( and yes I did slide the helter skelter)

The Lake district..
Still very pretty, even when it's raining 
cats and dogs...

Walking after all is my most favourite thing to do..

I do all my 'dreaming, thinking and wishing' whilst 
on my jolly walk a~bouts..
Sending kind thoughts out into the big wide 'free dimensional skies' 
always seems to ground my worries and helps 
me get life's little niggles in perspective..

Today see's the final piece of my jigsaw puzzle
hope~ fully completed..
My new windows are fitted and all the dust 
and de-bray can be dusted away..
Home will be home once more..
(fingers and toes crossed)

I am making a toast to that ...

(For Willie )
EL Pedro finding some Me time too...

Thank you kindly those who welcomed me on Instagram..
Ooh my I've been filling my boots
with visual loveliness on there!

A big cheery hello to June....
~Here's wishing the sun to shine each and every day..
Be kind to your selves dear blog friends..
~ and don't forget to find your me time too !
I will be popping in on you all very soon..
 Maria .