" ~ The wind out side nestled in each tree,
prowled the side walks in invisible treads
like unseen cats....
Tom Skelton shivered.
Anyone could see that the wind was
a special wind this. night....
And the darkness took on a special feel
because it was 'All Hallows EVE'
~Everything seemed cut from
soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet.
Smoke pointed up out of a thousand chimneys
like the plumes of a funeral parade.
From kitchen windows drifted two
pumpkins smells; gourds being cut and pies being
Taken with kindness from an extract
The Halloween Tree.
By Ray Bradbury.
(A favourite book from my younger years.)
I wonder did you ever read this amazing book?
I fell for it's charms many, many years ago!
And treated my self to this copy just recently....
I've been reading each evening ...
Getting ready for the magic to begin.
At last the bewitching hour has arrived once more....
Happy All Hallow's Eve..
On this night magic spells may be cast more easily and the two worlds are drawn
just a little bit closer...
Sending 'All Hallows Eve' greetings a little earlier.......
~ and hoping by magic they reach you all
by 31st!
Our seasonal
Jack ~ O ~ Lantern
is created and is ready to display on the garden steps!
not at all 'spooky'!
It never is...
But we had much fun creating and displaying her!
ooh yes she's a lady pumpkin.....
And named Boo!
~ Fingers and toes crossed for a dry crisp spooky evening....
As many will be accompanying little Witches and goblins
on their many travels of 'Trick or Treat'!!
Happy Halloween every one!
Remember keep the magic alive..
I am looking forwards to taking a peak into your 'witching hour'
this week...
( Hugging my favourite 'wishing' tree, before the storms this week)
~ And hoping you are all safe and sound....
Love and Twinkles
(A favourite book from my younger years.)
I wonder did you ever read this amazing book?
I fell for it's charms many, many years ago!
And treated my self to this copy just recently....
I've been reading each evening ...
Getting ready for the magic to begin.
At last the bewitching hour has arrived once more....
Happy All Hallow's Eve..
On this night magic spells may be cast more easily and the two worlds are drawn
just a little bit closer...
Sending 'All Hallows Eve' greetings a little earlier.......
~ and hoping by magic they reach you all
by 31st!
Our seasonal
Jack ~ O ~ Lantern
is created and is ready to display on the garden steps!
not at all 'spooky'!
It never is...
But we had much fun creating and displaying her!
ooh yes she's a lady pumpkin.....
And named Boo!
~ Fingers and toes crossed for a dry crisp spooky evening....
As many will be accompanying little Witches and goblins
on their many travels of 'Trick or Treat'!!
Happy Halloween every one!
Remember keep the magic alive..
I am looking forwards to taking a peak into your 'witching hour'
this week...
( Hugging my favourite 'wishing' tree, before the storms this week)
~ And hoping you are all safe and sound....
Love and Twinkles